Bitterroot Public Library 306 State St Hamilton, MT 59840 United States
You are invited to examine, learn, and think with others. Learn how others view the world. Bring your questions and we will select one or two to discuss as a group. Let's generate ...
You are invited to examine, learn, and think with others. Learn how others view the world. Bring your questions and we will select one or two to discuss as a group. Let's generate community, understanding, and change.
Death Café ( is a gathering of people interested in discussing all aspects of death and dying. It’s not a bereavement group, nor is it a forum for promoting agend...
Death Café ( is a gathering of people interested in discussing all aspects of death and dying. It’s not a bereavement group, nor is it a forum for promoting agendas, expert opinions, or products.
Join Kat for Preschool Story Time with stories, early literacy activities and games. Ages 3 to 5. Registration required. Story time may be held on the West Lawn, weather permitting...
Join Kat for Preschool Story Time with stories, early literacy activities and games. Ages 3 to 5. Registration required. Story time may be held on the West Lawn, weather permitting.
First come, first served. Grab bag. Kit includes all materials and instructions needed to make this fun kit at home!Kits are for families and individuals. For those wanting more th...
First come, first served. Grab bag. Kit includes all materials and instructions needed to make this fun kit at home!
Join Annika, the Youth Services Librarian, to sing, rhyme, read, and dance alongside your little ones. Afterwards, stay for social interaction, sensory exploration and playtime. Th...
Join Annika, the Youth Services Librarian, to sing, rhyme, read, and dance alongside your little ones. Afterwards, stay for social interaction, sensory exploration and playtime.
Join us to unlock your inner artist. Learn about artists, style, technique, and work with a wide variety of mediums! Please register for each session you wish to attend, space...
Join us to unlock your inner artist. Learn about artists, style, technique, and work with a wide variety of mediums! Please register for each session you wish to attend, space is limited. Ages 6+
Equipped with forearm crutches, a portable chair, and the willingness to take a nap on the riverbed at a moment's notice, Amy Denton-Luke shares her journey of ...
Equipped with forearm crutches, a portable chair, and the willingness to take a nap on the riverbed at a moment's notice, Amy Denton-Luke shares her journey of finding adaptations, acceptance, and an appreciation for exploring&
First come, first served. Grab bag kit. Kit includes all materials you need to make several seed bombs full of flowers pollinators love! Make them and throw them for Earth Day. Ins...
First come, first served. Grab bag kit. Kit includes all materials you need to make several seed bombs full of flowers pollinators love! Make them and throw them for Earth Day. Instructions and materials included.
Friends of the Bitterroot Public Library Book Sale will take place in the Community room of the Bitterroot Public Library from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Toggle the date picker: Mar 2025 March 2025