Small Meeting Room
Maximum Capacity
Library Branch
This is a small meeting room that is approximately 11'x 14'. It is equipped with two rolling tables, chairs, and a white board. A staff member must unlock the room for access.
The library has a small meeting room located on the library’s lower level. The Small Meeting Room is available to the public on an equitable basis. The library does not limit use of the meeting room based on the subject matter or content of the meeting or on the beliefs or affiliations of the meeting’s sponsors.
The small meeting room is intended to meet the needs of small groups or individuals needing a level of privacy that is not available on the main floor of the library. Examples may include: non-profit boards, small groups of homeschoolers, individuals needing proctored exams, phone calls or video-conferences which discuss confidential information, etc. Due to the location of the room adjacent to staff offices, it is requested that noise be kept to a conversational level. Those needing a larger room or use of audio-visual equipment should book the library’s community room as it is better-equipped to meet those needs.
● The small meeting room is equipped with chairs and tables. Users must provide their own laptop computer or electronic devices. If assistance is needed to understand what is available in the room, a visit may be scheduled with a library staff member prior to the reservation.
● Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis by phone, the library’s website, or in person. Reservations may be made up to 30 days in advance. Library programs have precedence. To ensure the public has the opportunity to use the meeting room, groups and individuals MAY NOT use the meeting room FOR MORE THAN TWO HOURS IN ONE WEEK. Exceptions may be made by the director or director’s designee for educational programs or other special circumstances.
● All use must comply with federal, state and local laws, and applicable library policies.
● The room is available 30 minutes after the library opens and use must conclude 30 minutes prior to the library’s closing time.
● This room may only be reserved by individuals aged 18 years or older. Verification of identity by photo ID or library card is required before the room will be made available.
● Groups and individuals are limited to using the room once per week for no more than two hours.
● The person responsible for reserving the room must sign this Small Meeting Room Agreement Form prior to use.
● A staff member will unlock the room. Once use has concluded, the user will notify staff so they are aware the room has been vacated.
● No more than 8 persons may use the room at one time. (Suggested limit is 5).
● Users are responsible for returning the room to its original condition and shall not leave personal items in the room after use. Users shall also dispose of all refuse before leaving, shut the windows (if opened), close the door behind them, and notify staff that your use of the room has concluded.